Psychotherapeutic Management Services
The Psychotherapeutic Services Corporate Headquarters location at 870 High Street, in Chestertown, Maryland houses the corporate administration personnel and fiscal management personnel. No clinical services are housed or available at High Street address in Chestertown or the Walker Road address in Dover. Please see our interactive map for locations, types and clinical service referral procedures. Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. General questions regarding all corporate matters can be forwarded to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The following Executive Personnel/Departments are housed at:
Chief Executive Officer, Dusti Jones who has ultimate responsibility for all aspects of the organization’s success.
Chief Operations Officer, MIke Talley, who is responsible for all aspects of daily operations in Psychotherapeutic programs and provides information and support to the CEO for operational issues.
Executive Office Manager, Patti Willard, who has responsibility for corporate-wide event planning, scheduling, payroll change notices, telephone administration and proposal preparation, as well as administrative assistance to the CEO and COO.
Chief Medical Officer, Ralph Wolf, whose responsibility is the recruitment, retention, and supervision of psychiatrists; clinical and quality oversight; and clinical services and other corporate duties.
PS’s Information Technology (IT) Department led by Will Farrar, who is responsible for Network/Hardware/Software Management and website development.
The following Financial Department is housed at the address above but their overall phone numbers are 410-778-9114 and their fax is 410-778-7988. Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Payroll Department, Holly Linkins handles all payroll changes and bi-weekly payroll processing.
The following personnel /departments are housed at
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Human Resources Coordinator, Daniele Marie and her staff maintain personnel documentation for all employees, interns, volunteers and contract laborers; handles unemployment claims, and manage employee recruitment, retention and separation.
Office of Risk Management under the direction of Mark Hester handles background clearances, incidents investigation and reporting, Medicaid compliance and quality assurance site management.